• jordan 2010 team    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 領航國際資訊科技有限公司

      ...CRiskVal is a fast growing financial engineering company launched in 2001. Jordan Hu, the founder, brought together talents from Wall Street and academia. The RiskVal team has successfully integrated its members’ experiences and expertise to design the RiskVal Financial System for pricing, portfol...

      電話:02-25026190    地址:台北市中山區龍江路412巷27號5樓
    2. 凱渠國際有限公司

      Established in 2010 as a trading service company, Kafey International Co., Ltd. (KFi for short) has been growing to provide global buyers with value-added products with expert services, including product sourcing, ODM quality control.KFi is composed of three commerce teams to take care of worldwid...

      電話:03-3017016    地址:桃園縣桃園市中埔二街131號4樓
    3. TEAM

      服裝店面. 主要以銷售流行女裝為主..對流行時尚有興趣者.請加入我们的行列.本店位於繁華熱鬧的五分埔內~注重與客人間的互動.對銷售以及搭配上有興趣者~可與我們聯絡...謝謝

      電話:02-27560292    地址:台北市南港區玉成街52巷7號
    4. STEVEN hairstyle designs team


      電話:02-28320766    地址:台北市士林區德行東路220號
    5. A_TEAM髮藝沙龍

      A-team hair salon溫馨和諧的風格讓您感受不到一絲絲的壓迫舒服的空間是為了讓您放慢腳步感受生活日式洋房的建築底下蘊藏著老一輩的心路歷程舊式的味道融入現代的風格這是我們對於它的情感我們將盡力創造出一個沒有壓迫沒...

      電話:06-2254567    地址:台南市中西區中山路107號

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